The conference takes place between Sunday 16th and Friday 21st of July 2017. Sunday is reserved for the arrival of the participants and a welcome event. The scientific program starts on Monday morning and finishes on Friday afternoon.
The conference registration desk will be open on Sunday from 4pm to 8pm on the ENS campus at 45 RUE D’ULM 75005 PARIS. If you opted for student housing, the check-in will be done in the same time.
The conference starts with a welcome event on Sunday evening from around 8pm. The scientific program starts on Monday morning and finishes on Friday before 4pm. A detailed program of the conference week is posted below.
If you give a talk: Please remember that you should not exceed 15 min duration. You will talk in front of an audience with many people working on different topics than you do, so try to present your research in a way everybody can follow you. The talk will be followed by five minutes of questions/discussion. You will find your name in one of the slots in the program below.
If you present a poster: Please print your poster in A0 portrait size. We will provide you with pins to fix the poster on the poster wall. The posters are divided into two sessions, people whose last name starts with A-Ked will present their poster in Session 1 on Tuesday, if it starts with Ker-Z, it will be part of Session 2 on Wednesday.
During the conference we will determine the hosting group for YAO 2019. If you would be interested in hosting YAO 2019, please contact us in advance or during the first days of the conference. We will discuss together and then decide on the last days of the conference for the most suitable hosting group.
Invited Speakers
Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique
Antoine Browaeys studied at the university of Paris sud, Orsay (France) and did his ph’D at the Institut d’Optique (2000). He spent two years at NIST in the Laser Cooling group and was hired as a scientist at CNRS in 2003. He is now working on experiments manipulating individual ultra-cold atoms and small and dense cold atomic clouds. By controlling the dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms in these small systems, he explores many-body physics such as quantum magnetism or the scattering of near resonant light.
More information can be found here
Nathan Goldman, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Nathan Goldman is interested in various aspects of quantum simulation, in particular, the realization of topological states of matter and artificial gauge fields in cold-atom systems and photonics. He is currently a Research Associate (FNRS Belgium) and a Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). After defending his phD thesis in Brussels in 2009, Nathan Goldman exploited a series of fellowships to visit and collaborate with leading groups in the field, in particular, the group led by Jean Dalibard at ENS and Collège de France.
More information can be found here
Markus Hennrich, Stockholm University
Markus Hennrich’s research is focused on experimental quantum optics and quantum information with trapped ions. One of his central research areas are trapped Rydberg ions, which is a promising new system for quantum information processing. Since 2015, Markus is Associate Professor at Stockholm University. He has a broad background in ion trapping from his postdoctoral research at ICFO in Barcelona (2004-2007) and as Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Innsbruck (2007-2015). In 2011, he has received an ERC starting grant on “Quantum simulations with trapped Rydberg ions” (QuaSIRIO).
More information can be found here
Juliette Simonet, Hamburg University
Juliette Simonet did her PhD on experimental studies of ultracold helium gases at the Kastler-Brossel laboratory in the group of Michèle Leduc and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji.
Since 2011, she is working in the group of Klaus Sengstock in Hamburg on driven quantum gases in optical lattices. Periodic driving of quantum systems indeed allows for the targeted engineering of exotic properties such as artificial magnetic fluxes for neutral atoms or spin–orbit coupling. The later is essential in numerous condensed matter phenomena as for instance topological insulators.
More information can be found here
Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel
Philipp Treutlein studied physics at the Universities of Konstanz and Stanford in 1996-2002. At Stanford, he worked in the laboratory of Steven Chu on laser cooling and atom interferometry. Back in Konstanz, he joined Markus Oberthaler’s group for his diploma thesis, investigating Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. From 2002-2010, Philipp worked in the laboratory of Theodor W. Hänsch at LMU Munich and the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, first as a doctoral student in Jakob Reichel’s team and later as leader of his own group. During this time, he performed experiments with ultracold atoms in chip-based microtraps (“atom chips”). He demonstrated a chip-based atomic clock and an atom interferometer and carried out first experiments on quantum metrology with spin-squeezed states. Since 2010, Philipp is a professor at the University of Basel in Switzerland. With his group he is exploring quantum metrology and many-particle entanglement with Bose-Einstein condensates, optomechanics with nanostructures membranes, and hybrid cold atom-semiconductor quantum systems.
More information can be found here